Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Almost Thanksgiving!

It's amazing how quickly the school year flies by. Next week is a two day week, with a 5 day weekend for the Thanksgiving holiday.  There has been much discussion of fall holidays in the library with grade one and Kindergarten.  Grade two has begun their first research project this week on ocean animals.  They are excited to learn more about some of the creatures they saw at the New England Aquarium this week!  The library has indeed been a very busy place.

It's hard to imagine that December is less than 2 weeks away.  I'm looking forward to our semi-annual Book Fair, which will be held in the library from December 16-22.  It's going to be a crazy week, with 2 early release days plus our school winter concert on Monday, Dec. 21, all falling during the Book Fair.  I plan to keep the fair open from 1-3pm on Dec. 16 and 18 (early release days) and while parents are in the building for the concert.  I hope families will use the fair as an opportunity to get some holiday shopping done!  I'll be sending out more specific information in the coming weeks, and will also be asking for parent volunteers.

Many thanks to my weekly volunteers, without whom I could not survive!  Thanks to your help, I am able to teach classes and assist teachers and students.  Thanks to:  Cathy McWhinnie, Jeanne McDonald, Bernie McDonald, Rob Crowley, Pamela Okemo, Robin Jackson, Julie Baggio, Jeff Campbell, Daniella DiMatteo, Tricia Tierney, Amy Kelley, Kerry Mastroianni, Jenn Silverman, Robert Peppler, Alma Rotolo, Maria Matayabas, and Jennifer Butler!  I hope I have not forgotten anyone.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween at Fitzgerald School

The teachers had a blast on Friday, October 30.  Many of us dressed up like girls from the 1980's and we were inspired to perform for all three lunch periods.  We think the students had as much fun as we did!

check out the video: